少し前の録音ですが青山OATHの第一金曜日にレギュラープレイしていたときに仲良くなった、webマガジン「Tales Of Psychofonia」に提供したミックス。
▶︎ shower plant_ mix by NOUHEI
▶︎ Tales Of Psychofonia Podcast_ mix by NOUHEI
海外webメディア「Tales Of Psychofonia」のNatasaが書いてくれた紹介文↓
This weekend we carry on with house vibes.
This time the sound travels from Tokyo.
We had the happy coincidence to listen Dj Nouhei at Oath bar in Tokyo.
Somewhere away from the craziness of Shibuya is hidden an intimate musical paradise.
A great bar with a kind of barroquish- dark aesthetic and the right sound.
We have listened to Dj Nouhei spinning some dynamic house records preparing us for the night.
A resident of Oath along with DJ Shibata, these guys make a great team and they properly rock it.
Nouhei made this podcast for us giving us an idea of his extensive selection.
The podcast is vinyl only with some really elegant, classy soulful house tunes,
only for listeners with exquisite taste and special nights.
From Tokyo with love